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What is a friendship link?

A friendship link, also known as a reciprocal link or a backlink, is a hyperlink that connects one website to another. It is a way for website owners to promote each other's sites and increase their online visibility. Friendship links are typically displayed on a webpage as a list of recommended or related websites.

Why are friendship links important?

Friendship links play a crucial role in improving a website's search engine ranking. When search engines crawl a webpage, they take into consideration the number and quality of backlinks pointing to that page. The more reputable and relevant websites that link to a webpage, the higher it is likely to appear in search results.

Can deleted pages be considered dead links?

Yes, deleted pages can be considered dead links. When a webpage is deleted or its URL is changed without setting up a redirect, any backlinks pointing to that page will become broken. These broken links are known as dead links or dead-end links. They can negatively impact a website's user experience and search engine ranking.

How do dead links affect a website?

Dead links can have several negative effects on a website. Firstly, they can frustrate visitors who click on the link expecting to find relevant content, only to be greeted with a 404 error page. This can lead to a poor user experience and a higher bounce rate, which can negatively affect a website's credibility and reputation.

Secondly, dead links can harm a website's search engine ranking. Search engines like Google consider broken links as a sign of poor website maintenance. They may penalize websites with a high number of dead links by lowering their search visibility.

How to deal with dead links?

To deal with dead links, website owners should regularly check their sites for broken links using online tools or plugins. Once broken links are identified, they can be fixed by either redirecting them to relevant pages or removing them altogether.

It is also important to regularly update and maintain a website to prevent broken links from occurring in the first place. This includes updating URLs, properly redirecting pages, and removing or updating any outdated content that may contain dead links.


Friendship links are a valuable tool for website promotion and increasing online visibility. However, when these links become dead links due to deleted or changed pages, they can negatively impact a website's user experience and search engine ranking. Therefore, it is crucial for website owners to regularly check and fix any broken links to ensure a smooth browsing experience for their visitors and maintain a good standing with search engines.



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